Resource Employment Register

In the closing hours of a bid, it might be preferred to make a last minute modification to a resource charge rate (that is, resource employment), such as overriding the cost of Concrete on various items.

Included in the Resource Employment Register is a detailed list of each individual resource employments, including its assigned cost item. Modifications can be made on an item by item basis.

This register lets you work with all resource employments for an estimate without the need to filter the CBS register down to specific employments.

The Resource Employment Register also provides you with flexibility in performing bulk operations such as editing multiple records at once. You can use the fill-down feature to quickly update data for all Resource Employments.

Resource Employment Record

The Resource Employment Record provides you with a concise view of all data related to a single record and lets you customize the employment separately from the Resource Rate Record in the Job Library.

Follow the step by step below to open the form.

Step by Step — Resource Employment Record

  1. From the Ribbon, select the Estimate tab.

  2. Under the Resources section, select Resource Employments. The Resource Employment Register opens.

  3. Select a Resource Employment you want to open in the Resource Employment Register.
  4. Double-click the Resource Employment. The Resource Employment Record now opens.

Double-click on an Employment in the CBS or cost item record to open the Employment record.

Quantity Ratio

The Quantity Ratio column in the Resource Employment register represents the ratio between the quantity of a cost item and the quantities of its resource employments.

This column shows you a clearer picture, or reference point of the proportion between the quantity of the cost item and the quantity of the resource employment.

In the example below, the Quantity Ratio of 75 for Reinforcing steel tells you there is a 75:1 ratio, or 75 pounds per cubic yard, between the cost item quantity of 20 CY and the resource employment quantity of 1,500 pounds of rebar. For example, 20 CY of retaining wall multiplied by 75 pounds/CY results in 1,500 pounds of rebar.

This makes the scaling factor that is used when changing the Cost Item Forecast (T/O) Quantity more visible, so you can easily see if the ratio being applied is accurate. Adding the Quantity Ratio column to the resource employments records (both Cost Item Details register and the Resource Employments Register) that shows the ratio between the Cost Item Quantity and the Resource Employment Quantity lets you more easily scan an estimate and find any quantity variations that do not look right.

Editing the Quantity Ratio field changes the resource employment quantity, making it easier to ensure the right amount of a resource for a given cost item quantity is being used and changed to scale the resources quantity if necessary.

The Quantity Ratio Units field shows you how the Quantity Ratio is calculated.